Archive for the News Category


So. Some kind of news:

1. I’m not dead. I know that I have been VERY silent and invisible the last year or two. But life happened. Or stopped happen, more like it. But now it is moving again. Very fast. In all directions (including some not yet discovered spatial dimensions). Expect surprising things coming soon.

2. I used to have one site in Swedish and one in English. I’ve merged them into one, and the result will from now on be mostly in English. Because reasons.

3. I’m working on something. It involves several of the formats I work in. Unless I get abducted by aliens it will be finished and published after the summer. (Note the vague release date, “after the summer” could very well mean “two days before the sun dies”)

4. This was just a small update. I’ll return soon with all kind of news that will make all the clickbait on the web seem like the last weeks weather report from the Gobi desert. For constant updates, please check my FB-page and Twitter.

5. Doctor Who series 9 will begin 19th September. Why even bother about anything else..?

Listening to: iwrestledabearonce and Flor
Reading: Kelly Link: Get In Trouble
Watching: Sense8
Mood: Nervouscited

Turtle bites and captured photons

No, I’m not dead. I would probably smell much worse than I do now if I was. And yes, I know it has been more than a year since I last posted something here, but even though I have been very, very busy, most of my output has been in swedish. But, I have actually been involved in some stuff that could be of interest to people outside of Sweden as well.

For one thing, I’m the proud co-owner and one of the driving forces behind the digital publishing house Turtle Bite Books. We started this endeavour in the fall of 2012, and have so far published more than 15 ebooks. A couple of them are mine. Mainly collections of satire, columns and various funny stuff. Right now I’m working on my first novel (or is it a novella? I’m not sure yet. The story is gradually telling me what it wants to be). But there are also several books in english (and other languages) from our other authors. For example these lovely children’s books:

Babys_First_Book   Baby_Meets_the_Animals   A_Day_with_Sister-and-Brother

And this one that I’m very proud to have edited/published – Jenny Holmlund’s amazing Reasons Not to Diet:


Tired of all the hype, obsession and strict rules around our weight? Do you begin to suspect that dieting is just as effective for reaching your dream weight, as it is to get rich quick by wishing upon a star? Do you think that beauty is an attitude, and not what the scale says? In this handy book, you get the fifty best reasons not to diet. And it’s filled with beautiful illustrations that pay homage to people with curves and sass!

Please check them out. They are really good. (Click bookcovers for where to buy)

When I’m not stuck at my desk writing away on my next book, I’m probably running around with my camera looking for something to capture. It’s just something that I need to do every now and then to get away from the words. You can find my work on Flickr, deviantART and my photoblog Certain Slants of Light. Here’s some of my work:

Time Will Not Remain   That Time of the Year II

Erised   From sorrow to serenity

It's a somber stroll down this road that we call life

And then there’s my little side project Pesterlings – Everyday Fairies. As you may know there have always been mystical creatures in mythology and folklore known for making things disappear, to sour milk and generally causing mischief when their needs and habits collide with the human world. But did you know that they’re still around, interfering with our daily life? Like the Tangle Touslers that tangle headphone cords.

Now I need to get back to my desk and finish my next book, get it translated and get it out there for your reading pleasure. I’ll keep you updated!

Listening to: Funeral For A Friend
Reading: Lauren Beukes: Zoo City
Watching: Hannibal
Doing: Creating


Sometimes I wonder if I really have the patience to be an author. I mean, it takes years before the ideas inside my head become a finished book available in a store. But I’ve managed so far.

I have learned that it helps to have a side project or two. Especially if it’s something that can be published the same week I get the idea. My latest side project is actually an old idea that has been collecting dust for some years now: Pesterlings.
Think fairies adapted to our modern world. There have always been mystical creatures in mythology and folklore known for making things disappear, to sour milk and generally causing mischief when their needs and habits collide with the human world. What if they are still around, interfering with our daily life?

Check out Wobble Demons, The Bumblefumblie, Tooth Gnomes, The Numbermuckler and many other Pesterlings at:


This is a collaboration between myself and the designer/illustrator Jenny Holmlund. I come up with the ideas and the writing – she designs and draws the little buggers.


Listening to: The Rescues, iwrestledabearonce
Reading: Richard Morgan: The Cold Commands
Watching: TED Talks
Mood: Tired