Heal, Headbang, Hope (and probably Horrify) – 2024 in a nutshell

That was a weird year.
Personally: great, wonderful, exciting, peaceful, but not without some heavy internal work.
The world in general: what in the holiest of flying fucks?!

Let’s start with the personal stuff. Still living my best life in Chile. I am happier than ever with my wonderful wife Natalia, and with exploring my new country. Life feels fun, fresh, and exciting again. But it’s also been a year of catching my breath, healing, and trying to figure how to live again after only barely surviving for so many, many years.

Let’s start with the best part. What started in 2023 as the best year of my life is still very much the most eminent life has ever been. I’m getting more and more settled in my new country. For more details about that experience, check out my entry called “Stranger in a strange land” about moving across the world and changing cultures. But I really enjoy it here. And now I am a proper inhabitant with residence permit, RUT-number (social security/tax-number), ID card, bank account, getting lots of local phone scams, and stuff like that. It’s very exciting to start again like this. Changing country really is like being born again. I’m having to learn everything from scratch, including talking, but fortunately without the wearing diapers and the eating crayons part. There’s some drooling, but that’s because the food is so good.

If 2023 was about settling down and creating the foundation for our life, this year has been about doing things. Our apartment is coming together nicely and looking more and more like the perfect home. There are more bones and dead things, more black velvet, more art, and more decadence. It really feels like our souls and personalities have taken physical form and manifested as interior design.

Everyday life is a pleasant mix of being cozy inside, reading, watching movies, talking, eating amazing food, cuddling, napping, and just enjoying each other’s company; and of going out on adventures like seaside walks, cemetery picnics, hanging out with friends, exploring new places and restaurants, saying hello to sealions, vultures and stray cats. Learning how to live again is still somewhat of a work in progress, and I feel inadequate when it comes to being social after being isolated for so long. It feels like I’m learning to walk after a serious accident that left me crippled for a long time, but I enjoy these first wobbly and staggering steps towards what life should be like.

Reborn in the moshpit

Did I say staggering steps? In reality, it’s been a year of lots and jumping, screaming and headbanging, because we’ve been going to a lot of great concerts this year.

The live music-year started with The Metal Fest in April, and it was a festival packed with great performances. Like witnessing Sepultura’s farewell tour, discovering Soen, and going absolutely apeshit to my personal favourites Killswitch Engage.

Later we did some serious polyrhythmic headbanging to mighty Meshuggah. Shortly after that we had a great time at Knotfest, giving it all to Babymetal, Amon Amarth, Mudvayne, Disturbed, and to the almighty Slipknot – celebrating their 25th anniversary by only playing songs from their first album. It was my first time seeing Slipknot, and it was such a primal and wild experience. Like being cleansed through a ritual of sweat, screams and released frustration.

Finished the concert year with Jinjer, who gave one hell of a performance. Tatiana Shmayluk is a beast and a modern siren.

Concerts 2024 - Metalfest Chile, Knotfest Chile, Meshuggah, Jinjer

Speaking of music…. Got myself a new guitar. For many years now, I’ve been feeling the itch to play again. For a long time, I’ve had my eye on an ESP guitar, so I decided on the Ltd EC-256 in Black Satin. And it’s amazing! A true beauty, both to play and to look at. Also got the multi-effects processor/amp simulator Valeton GP 200, giving me all the amps and effects in the universe in one unit. Teenage me wouldn’t believe the magic we have now. And it’s so much fun to play again. Don’t think I’ve touched a guitar in ten years, but it took me less than a second to get into the groove again. Tuned the black beauty in drop-C and have been riffing away with a big smile in my soul. Playing is one of the few things that can put me in a flow state immediately. It’s an amazing therapy, and an endless source of fun. Now I want to be in a band again.

ESP Ltd EC-256 in Black Satin

Visual poetry

My other instrument, the camera, has been hard at work this year too. Almost 6 000 pictures in my 2024 folder. No wonder with this much beauty around. The sea, the animals, the cemeteries, the vistas… Here are some of my favs:

Random observations and musings

Barely notice the earthquakes anymore. Except the 6.9 one at the end of the year. Bed was shaking so much that I thought that two catholic priests were going to show up to perform an exorcism.

Saw the wildfires and their consequences for the first time. And it was a big and bad one in these areas. 8 500 hectares of forest and land (including a botanic park), thousands of homes, and more than a hundred people went up in flames. And the worst of the fires were even started by humans. We weren’t affected here by the bay, but saw the smoke covering the sky and creating colourful sunsets, like a beautiful harbinger of destruction.

Saw a bunch of new “exotic” (as in the first time I see them in the wild) animals: scorpion, vulture, humming bird, and green parrots.

Velvet (or The Nugget, as she is commonly known in our home) has grown into a surprisingly large and confident cat in her old age. And she’s also getting softer and more open to touching and cuddling. Additionally, she has become something of a herding cat, having loud opinions about where we should be and do, and when. So now we have a furry boss telling us when to wake up, give brushes, eat, be in the living room or in the kitchen, stop watching movies, go to bed etc. But she’s so well-behaved, patient, ladylike, and cute, that she can get away with anything. Here she is seen criticising my work:

I will never ever get tired of living close to the sea. It is so vast, peaceful, and beautiful.

We are now a three-language household (4, if you count speaking cat, and you definitely should). We use English for most of our conversations, I am slowly improving my Spanish, and Natalia is getting really good at Swedish. Right now we’re in that phase where we kinda suck at every language, but it’s amazing how much you can communicate with sounds, gestures, and different ways of emphasizing “thingy”.

We have the absolute best pizza place in the world in our neighbourhood – Pizza Placeres. Made from sourdough, only the best artisanal ingredients, and with a passion for the art of pizza that cares more for a superior meal than anything else. I wish all food places had this spirit.

Speaking of food, cross-over sushi is amazing. New fav place is Mito Sushi Nikkei. So far, I’ve experienced sushi with black rice, ceviche, banana, almonds, passion fruit, sweet potato, chimichurri, and so much more.

Blck Bar in Santiago has quickly become a favourite haunt. I’d love it just for the black interior design alone, but the food and drinks (black as well) are superb.

A year of broken electronics. Two pairs of headphones, a vacuum cleaner, a toaster, a backup hard-drive, and my phone has died on me. The phone was the worst. Not only because of the cost, I also lost thousands of pictures and visual memories from the last two years when it just died on me. Whatever you do in 2025 – make backups!

Got the Samsung S24 Ultra as a replacement. Great phone, but can we please stop hyping AI features. At best, they’re fun for an hour before it’s not a shiny new thing anymore. The best thing about the S24 is the battery life, and that it is possible to see the screen in bright sunlight. You know, stuff that really matters. If they could only add a function for electrocuting spam callers, and for identifying and deleting ai-content.

Kinda got a tan. And by that, I mean that I went from corpse pale to living human pale.

Pale and paler

After being more or less non-existent in the digital sphere (being in survival-mode for a very long time is very much like being dead in many ways), I have started a couple of new accounts (and closed my Twitter/X account, as any sane person have this year) where I plan to publish a lot of different stuff from now on. So far, I am on Threads, Substack, and even on LinkedIn. Come and hang out if you feel like it!

I keep getting hairier. Must be something in the water. I’m also getting more and more black hairs, which should be impossible since I’m a redhead. Follow for more updates for how I’m slowly transforming into a Latino.

Gained back the weight I lost last year. Probably because of the delicious food in combination with some mental health stuff. I will be eating only imaginary food in 2025.

There’s revolution in the air. I like it. I know that bringing back the guillotine and “Deny, Delay, Depose” is all the rage right now, but personally I think that is a waste of resources. Why depose when you can repurpose? Put the billionaires and the CEOs in big hamster wheels and let them be our new clean energy source.

AI is the buzzword of the year to the point that I notice people now throw up a little in their mouth every time they hear about it. Of course I have been curious about how it will affect my trade. It’s early days still, but in short – it makes me siiiiigh. I’ve tried to use it as a tool for research and brainstorming, but so far, it’s too unreliable. Not much timesaving when I still have to double check everything myself. Besides, I like doing practical research. It’s easier to understand and to gain new insights when I dig through tons of information myself. When it comes to creating stuff, generative ai is an atrocity, to put it mildly. I could give a million examples of how bad it is, but just let me show the results I got when I asked it to create an embroidered version of the title of this journal: “Heal, Headbang, Hope

If this is what will be stealing our jobs… we’re soooooooo fucked!!!!

Healing in the enshittification

This year I made a classic mistake regarding my physical and mental health. You know this movie trope when a hero experiences a significant setback and fall on hard times? Defeated, the hero is hiding from the world, living in a swamp for 25 years, surviving only on fermented frogs and self-pity. But then someone need their help, seek them out with a ‘You’re the best, we need you back!’ and the fallen hero is reluctantly dragged back to service. Despite decades of swamp misery and a severe fermented frog-addiction, all that is needed to restore the hero to former glory is a bath and a cup of coffee.

Well yeah, that definitely doesn’t work here in the real world. I made the mistake to think I would be fully restored the moment I stepped off the plane. And I’ve had lots of baths and coffees. But healing takes TIME. Lots of time.

Yes, life is the best it has ever been now. Natalia’s (and The Nugget’s) love and care heal me every day. I am surrounded by love, peace, and happiness. But that also means that I have the time to feel my wounds properly. Because there are two types of exhaustion and pain. It’s like running a marathon. You will feel the tiredness and the pains while you run, but you have to keep going, so you push it all away. Then, when you have crossed the finishing line and can finally fall down and rest, then you will feel the true exhaustion and pain. And I have been running for so very long. I have over than a decade worth of accumulated suffering. Years and years of being in a non-stop survival mode. Now, when I’m at peace, I can feel it fully. There’s a tiredness so deep it feels like it can never be slept away. There’s also shock, frustration, sadness, grief, regret, confusion, the closest thing I can have to anger, and lots of WTF!?!?!?!?!?! I’ve lost so much. My career, my health, my friends, more than a decade of my life, and what feels like a huge chunk of myself. The grief is so tangible and thick that I feel covered in it, like a bird after an oil spill. A part of me just want to take a fire hose to it and wash it away, but I know that this is a process that has to be taken step by step until it’s completed. I can’t just shrug all of this off. I am navigating this process, but it takes a lot of time and effort.

Then there’s my professional life. Being in full survival mode for so long, I have barely existed. I’ve done the bare minimum to get through. If that. I have been hiding from the world. No ambition. No strategy. No plan. No nothing. So it’s no surprise that I’m forgotten by the world.

Now I’m slowly realizing that I am alive, and that I should do something. Live, not just survive. Have a life, a career, and be creative again. I was an author once. Am I still one? I honestly don’t remember when I last released a book. When do you lose the right to call yourself an author? More importantly, does the world care about writers anymore? Is there a place for us among the podcasts, reels, and the ai-generated content?

I feel like I am waking up after a decade of hibernation, trying to figure out this shitty new world. And I feel lost.

And then there’s the world in general. Recently, writer Cory Doctorow coined the term enshittification. It’s the process of making products and services worse. First sacrificing the users to please the business customers (like every social media platform has done). Then fuck things up for the business customers to grab all the value for themselves. And when the greed of last stage capitalism has ruined any value except for the shareholders, it dies. Sacrificed on the altar of profit. With the blood of quality, value, and humanity running down the drain. While this is happening right now with everything digital, enshittification is coming for absolutely everything. It’s an unsatiable hunger that will suck the life and joy out of everything we have, including people and the planet. No, I’m honestly not in “Old man yells at cloud”-mode when I’m saying this. I may be in that age now when “everything was better back in my day”, but I’m not the sentimental type. I value things for what they are and what they could be. And right now, they are turning very, very bad.

It’s not a doom-mindset to say that the world is in big trouble right now. Even the scientists are depressed and heartbroken about our current situation. We’re facing a catastrophic climate change, an ongoing sixth extinction that will be the most devastating event since the dinosaurs lost a snowball fight with an asteroid, a livestreamed genocide in Gaza, rising poverty and inequality, misinformation, monetized rage-bait and division, pandemics, resource scarcity, rise of fascism, sexism and racism, billionaires buying elections, putting the worst people possible in charge, turning back the clock to the dark ages of misogyny and anti-science, and that’s barely skimming the top of the list. The past wasn’t a great place. We’ve been through a lot of this shit many times before, because obviously we never learn from history. But this time there’s more at stake. We are about to take the entire planet with us in the fall. This could very well be our last chance to wake up and do better.

I have a lot of feelings about this. I am baffled, saddened, hurt, and very, very, very disappointed. It’s like watching a friend with an addiction take a turn for the worse, refusing help, and taking the kids with them in the car to go and see if they can jump over Grand Canyon with their Mini Cooper. I am in two minds about it. I know everything has to end sometime. I remember reading an interview with Patagonia founder/owner/environmentalist Yvon Chouinard. He has done more than most people to help this planet, but he has also realised that we are fucked. If it’s not the climate it will be the collapse of biodiversity or the decay of topsoil and fresh water or, or, or, or… But he said that he was in his soul a happy man, and that he was going to surf on the waves of the apocalypse, hoping that some surviving species will take over the world after we are gone. A part of me wants to do the same. Take Natalia by the hand, bring a bottle of wine and a nice piece of cheese, get some good books, and just stay as far away from this enshittification as possible, watching the sunset at the end of the world.

And then there’s the stubborn me.

Seeing the world turning its back on kindness, knowledge and collaboration when it’s needed the most, it breaks my heart into a thousand million pieces. And a part of me wants to do something about it. Disrupt. Disrespect. Challenge. Change. Find the last flickers of light in this world, and somehow turn them into a wildfire of survival. Because hope is not the thing with feathers that perches in the soul. Hope is like a cockroach – persistent and adaptable. It’s laughing in the face of extinction, scurrying away when you try to stomp it. Hope has dirt and blood on its knuckles from getting up again and again and again. It’s a spitting and snorting little beast that can’t be put down. And now hope is coming for this crappified world, threatening to make it better. And I think that I need to be there when that happens. I still have stories to tell, and people to piss of with my jokes. I am a bundle of flaws, and one of the biggest is that I have always sucked at giving up. Now it feels like I’m going to fail at it again. We will see in 2025…

The year in culture and fun

Read 30 books in 2024. These were my favs:

This year’s best movies:

Great stuff on the small screen:

Amazing music from:

Special mention: Gojira opening the Olympics. Really majestic shit!


Have a great 2025! Go out and touch grass, be kind, and if you can – try to make this wonderful little planet a bit nicer. It deserves better, and so do we.

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